No weapon formed against you shall prosper is a prophetic antidote for the fear and anxiety brought on by trouble and what appears to be impending danger. In a day and time where every news outlet is broadcasting and covering stories on the Corona Virus and causing widespread pandemonium and fear, believers can rest assured that God will protect them from all hurt, harm and danger. 

Recently, while listening to the news report of the death toll and spread of the Corona Virus, God reminded us of the words the prophet Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 54:17 “No Weapon Formed Against you shall prosper.” He then took us to Psalm 91 which shared in verse 10 that “No evil shall befall your dwelling.” 

These scriptures give believers hope that no matter what is going on in the world around us, the Lord is our refuge and protector. As we look through scripture, we find that this scripture wasn’t just for Isaiah, but it was also true for other biblical characters. For Instance, David was able to look at his life and know that no matter which weapons were formed they would not prosper against him. 

  • Goliath couldn’t defeat him. 
  • King Saul’s 11 attempts to kill him didn’t work 
  • The Amalekites couldn’t destroy his family 
  • The Philistines couldn’t defeat him in battle 
  • His son Absalom couldn’t stop his kingship 
  • His brothers couldn’t leave Him out

Because of these experiences, King David was able to write the text of Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 which are filled with promises of God’s protection from any type of danger. We don’t have to stop with stories in the lives of the prophet Isaiah and King David but we can also look at the lives of Joseph, Moses, King Hezekiah, Paul and Silas, Ruth, Peter, Daniel, and the Three Hebrew Boys to see how God protected them from many dangers and trials. Throughout scripture there are testimonies that God is faithful to keep His prophetic promise to protect His children from harm.  If jealousy, lies and prison couldn’t stop Joseph, jealous leaders, stoning, shipwreck and the Philippian Jail couldn’t stop Paul and Silas, the fiery furnace couldn’t stop the three Hebrew boys and the Lion’s Den couldn’t stop Daniel then you have to know that nothing can stop you either and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Therefore, you don’t ever have to fret or fear but you can rest assured that your Heavenly Father will always protect you. 

Tune in to hear the broadcast and listen as LaJun & Valora share how the words God spoke to Isaiah still speak to us today and serve as a Prophetic Promise that God is your protector from any weapon you may encounter.